Frequently Asked Questions


+ What is sourdough?

Sourdough is the fermentation of dough using naturally occurring lactobacilli A.K.A. good bacteria, and yeast.

+ What is sourdough starter?

Sourdough starter is the culture of yeast and beneficial bacteria that we keep alive in flour and water.

+ What is artisan bread?

Artisan bread is usually handmade and requires longer fermentation time than that of commercially made store-bought bread.

+ Is sourdough starter the same as yeasts you’d find in the grocery stores? What’s the difference?

No, it’s worlds better. Bread made with sourdough yeast lasts longer and is slower to stale than breads baked with commercialized yeast. The flavor comparison between commercial bread and the artisan bread that we bake is night and day. If you’re looking for wonder bread, you came to the wrong place.

+ How long does it take to make a loaf of sourdough bread?

First stage of the dough is a preferment 8 hours, overnight. Next is 6-8 hours of proofing at room temperature during the day. Finally, we bake anywhere between 30 and 50 mins depending on the type of bread, cool, and then deliver it to a happy customer.

+ Are there any weird preservatives in any of your breads?

Nope. Good quality sea salt. That’s it.

+ What is the shelf life of your bread and how do I store it?

Our breads are best eaten the day of purchase, but can still be good for 3-4 days. We ask that customers store their breads at room temperature in the specially made bags provided to keep bread as fresh as possible. If you don’t intend on finishing your loaf withing the 3-4 days, consider wrapping up part of your loaf in plastic wrap and cover with foil or freezer paper. Use the frozen loaf within 6 months to avoid freezer burn flavor. When you’re ready to enjoy again, thaw the bread by placing it in the refrigerator overnight and you’re ready to go!

+ Are your breads vegan?

A majority of our breads are vegan, however, there are a few exceptions. Our Jalapeño Cheddar and Date Night Breads contain dairy and our Portuguese Sweet Bread contains a custard that includes eggs and sugar. Our Siciliano receives a light egg wash before baking, but can be omitted by request so it can be made vegan.

+ Why are some of your breads darker than the commercial breads in the supermarkets?

Artisan breads are usually darker because they are baked at higher temperatures. The higher moisture content in artisan bread allows the yeast and beneficial bacteria to become more active thus allowing any starches to become caramelized.

If you remember one thing from us, we hope it’s this: COLOR IS FLAVOR!